Tag: grammar

Punctuation Worksheets

Speech Marks (Grade 4)

Speech marks (Quotation Marks) are used to mark what somebody has said. Put the speech marks at appropriate places in the following sentences: I want rice for lunch, said Jennifer. The teacher asked, would you like to go out to play? What time are you coming back? asked the mother. Miss Pearson asked, what causes […]

Tenses Worksheets

Present tense (Grade 6)

Fill in the blank with appropriate form of present tense of the verbs given in brackets: She _______________ up with the dream of becoming a lawyer. (grow) I ________________ my feedback form on your table. (leave) She _________________ for London as we speak. (leave) I ________________ the man responsible for this act right away. (call) […]

Noun Plurals Worksheets

Plurals (Grade 4)

Change the following into plural form: e.g. There is a chair. There are chairs. I need a glass of water. I saw a tiger, a monkey and a calf in the zoo. Can you pass me that knife? I have made an observation about this mango. There is a cookie in my bag. The toy […]

Punctuation Worksheets

Punctuation (Grade 3)-2

Use capital letters, full stop, comma, question mark and exclamation mark wherever needed: they asked me my name the prime minister gave the welcome speech i planned a surprise for alice do you know shahid how fast the car was who teaches you french wow it was a great match richard love the city of […]

Prefixes Suffixes Worksheets

Suffixes and Prefixes (Grade 5)

Separate suffixes/prefixes in the following words: beside income lawyer freedom semicircle duckling forward homonym maiden portray parasite boyhood active extract tomorrow earthen diameter   lick here to download and print: Suffixes and Prefixes (Grade 5)   Answers: be-side in-come law-yer free-dom semi-circle duck-ling for-ward homo-nym maid-en por-tray para-site boy-hood act-ive ex-tract to-morrow earth-en dia-meter

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