Tag: Pronouns

Adjectives Comparisons Pronouns Worksheets

Grammar Practice (Grade 3)

Use suitable personal pronouns in the following blanks: George and _______ will clean the kitchen. They are too loud. Tell ________ to stop yelling. My sister wanted to help _______ with my work. Rohit and Kiran are leaving. _________ are going to Goa. My uncle is sick. I will visit _________ tomorrow. My brother and […]

Pronouns Worksheets

Pronouns (Grade 6)

Underline the pronouns in the following passage: The large gutters exhaled filthy odours, and I stalked down them. My paws were immersed in the fine mud and I myself felt disgusted. But there was certain warmth in the texture of it. The heat was dissolving my fat and the pleasure was all mine. But there […]

Pronouns Worksheets

Pronouns (Grade 7)

Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns: Sam and ________ went to the Opera house yesterday. We thoroughly enjoyed ________________. Karan and Nisha have been selected for the debate. ________ is an inter-school debate and both of ___________ are required to prepare against the motion. Sharon hurt ______________ while trying to hang a painting on […]

Integrated grammar Worksheets

Parts of Speech (Grade 7)

Fill in the blanks with the part of speech specified in the blank: I am very happy to announce that ten ____________ (adjective) cricket players of ___________ (adjective of possession) school have been selected to play at ________ (article) National level. This is a proud moment for all of ________ (pronoun). The HoHo bus starts […]

Integrated grammar Worksheets

Parts of Speech-4 (Grade 6)

Name the parts of speech for the highlighted words in each of the following sentences: A sunflower turns itself towards the sun. Vertebrates are further classified into five groups. Amoeba belongs to the kingdom of Protists. Cooking oil and fats should not be thrown down the drains. They will not go unless they are invited. […]

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