Common errors

Common errors

Let us today work on those statements which are very commonly used and one hardly feels there is anything wrong in them.

* He did all the sums wrongly.
* I speak truth always.
* Firstly one needs to be sincere if one wishes to achieve success.
* I have been going to school daily since three years.
* I could not see her nowhere.
* They know to cheat others.
* We go to the malls frequently.

Could you find mistakes in any of the above statements? Well here they are:
* He did all the sums wrong.
* I always speak truth.
* First one needs to be sincere if one wishes to achieve success.
* I have been going to school daily for last three years.
* I could not see her anywhere.
* They know how to cheat others.
* We frequently go to the malls.

2 thoughts on “Common errors

  1. U must have seen tht most of these mistakes are due to wrong sentance structure. Ppl generally translate hindi to english n they commit such mistakes.

    1. Very true.. Thinking of a sentence in English is what one basically needs to do to improve one’s speaking skills…

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