Tag: spellings

Correct spellings Vocabulary

Correct Vocabulary

‘Correct Vocabulary’ gives you the correct spellings of the words commonly misspelt. Keep them in mind!

Correct spellings Vocabulary

Correct Vocabulary

‘Correct Vocabulary’ gives you the correct spellings of the words commonly misspelt. Keep them in mind!

Correct spellings Vocabulary

Correct Vocabulary

‘Correct Vocabulary’ gives you the correct spellings of the words commonly misspelt. Keep them in mind!


Spell Well

Check if you spell the following words correctly. Choose which one of the two spellings is correct: * achieve , acheive * receive , recieve * accommodation, accomodation * accross , across * accessible , accessable * accidently , accidentally * absence, abscence * possesion , possession * adress , address Here are the answers: […]

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