Tag: singular

Noun Plurals Worksheets

Plurals (Grade 5)

Write plurals of the following: scarf jury class peach glass child foot crutch baby loaf enemy dragon goose passer-by mother-in-law gentleman volcano radio sheep company Click here to download and print: Plurals (Grade 5) Answers: scarves/scarfs jury classes peaches glasses children feet crutches babies loaves enemies dragons geese passers-by mothers-in-law gentlemen volcanoes radios sheep companies

Noun Plurals Worksheets

Singular-Plural (Grade 5)

Give the plural forms of the following words: shelf-                                                           11. foot- child-                                […]

Verbs Worksheets

Subject-verb agreement (Grade 7)

Choose the correct options to fill the blanks: There _______ a dozen mangoes in the basket. (is/are) It is he who _________ offered to help. (has/have) A pair of gloves _________ kept in the kitchen. (was/were) Many of the passengers __________ cancelled their trip. (has/have) She is one of the students who ________ been selected […]

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