Tag: punctuation

Punctuation Worksheets

Punctuation (Grade 4)-2

Use punctuation marks (capital letter, full stop, comma, question mark, exclamation mark) wherever necessary: we traveled to jaipur by bus _________________________________________________________________________ i had stuffed paratha curd and salad in lunch _________________________________________________________________________ look the thief is running _________________________________________________________________________ mr kapoor’s family is warm friendly and nice _________________________________________________________________________ gosh it smells so bad _________________________________________________________________________ why do you […]

Punctuation Worksheets

Punctuation (Grade 2)

Use punctuation marks at appropriate places (capital letter, full stop, comma, question mark and apostrophe) the mans shoes are in the cupboard _________________________________________________________________________ how old is she _________________________________________________________________________ i took shauryas pencil _________________________________________________________________________ dont take my eraser _________________________________________________________________________ when will he come back _________________________________________________________________________ there are apples bananas and oranges in the basket _________________________________________________________________________ we […]

Punctuation Worksheets

Speech Marks (Grade 4)

Speech marks (Quotation Marks) are used to mark what somebody has said. Put the speech marks at appropriate places in the following sentences: I want rice for lunch, said Jennifer. The teacher asked, would you like to go out to play? What time are you coming back? asked the mother. Miss Pearson asked, what causes […]

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