Identify the kinds of sentences: (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Exclamatory, Imperative) Why did you break the vase? The flight from London arrived on time. How cold it is! Park your bicycle in the backyard. The mountain peaks are covered with snow. Don’t talk. Oh! I am so sorry. Where did you keep my books? I don’t […]
Parts of Speech-4 (Grade 6)
Name the parts of speech for the highlighted words in each of the following sentences: A sunflower turns itself towards the sun. Vertebrates are further classified into five groups. Amoeba belongs to the kingdom of Protists. Cooking oil and fats should not be thrown down the drains. They will not go unless they are invited. […]
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Parts of speech (Grade 6)
A part is highlighted in each statement. Mention which part of speech the highlighted word/phrase is: A priest called Theodar founded a hospital. This was the first real nursing school in the world. Many of these soldiers were injured in the battles. They should be clever and have strong character. People called her the ‘lady […]
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