Tag: grammar


Direct and Indirect Speech

A statement is in Direct Speech if the words spoken by a person are exactly quoted. When the same words are reported by a third person, it is done in Reported/Indirect Speech. In Indirect speech, there are changes in tenses, pronouns, demonstratives and adverbs of place and time. Changes in tenses Simple present tense changes […]

Structure/rule Tenses

The Simple Future & Future Continuous

The simple future tense is used: to talk about things that are likely to happen in near future e.g. The train will leave at 5 o’clock. to offer to do something e.g. I will prepare lunch today. to tell what will happen in a given situation e.g. If you drop this, it will break. Hence, […]

Tenses Worksheets

Simple Present & Present Continuous-1 (Beginners)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of verbs given in brackets: Sherry _______ in a two-room apartment at Saket. (live) Presently, Neena ____________ with a leading news channel. (work) Mani _____________ for a new job. (look) Our school __________ a Christmas fete every year. (organize) Neha _________ to pursue a career in journalism. […]

Structure/rule Worksheets

Question Tags

A tag is a short statement placed at the end of a statement to make it a question. A tag is formed using a form of be or do or a helping verb (mentioned in the statement itself) + pronoun corresponding to the subject of the statement. A few points to remember are: A tag […]

Verbs Worksheets

Verbs-5 (Introduction)

Fill in the blanks with is/am/are/has/have: Koyal _____ a pet dog. Meena and Tina ______ many balls. I ____ going out to play. Kiran ____ sad at the loss of her pen. The book ____ getting spoiled. They _____ playing in the ground. We _____ many chocolates to eat. There ______ five swings in the […]

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