Tag: grammar

Verbs Worksheets

Verbs -7 (Grade 3)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb: The bracelet ___________ (is/are) very pretty. The movie ___________ (am/was) really interesting. We __________ (has/have) many balloons for the party. The container __________ (is/are) filled with oil. I ________ (am/are) happy to be at home. An ice cube _________ (do/does) not sink in water. Our teacher _________ (has/have) […]

Structure/rule Verbs

Introducing Verbs

There are two classes of verbs in English. The auxiliary verbs (helping verbs) like to be, to have and to do, may, can, might, could etc.  All other verbs which denote actions are the main verbs (ordinary verbs) like to sing, to play, to look, to work etc. to be, to have and to do […]

Active and Passive voice Worksheets

Active and Passive (Grade 7)

Change the following sentences into passive voice: Your behaviour surprises me. Suman ma’am showed us a French movie. Kindly speak softly. Does Neeraj publish books? When do they pick the mangoes? I drove the bike up the hill. They will order pasta and pizza. Sheena is writing a play. Mother brought a dress for Sarah. […]

Prepositions Worksheets

Prepositions (Grade 3)

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate prepositions: The plane is flying ________________ (under/over) the house. The guards are standing ________________ (outside/above) the hotel. The students loved to go ______________ (behind/around) the fountain. The pigeon is sitting __________ (in/on) the fence. Please switch _____________ (of/off) the mobile phones. Seema is looking ______________ (through/about) the […]

Editing Worksheets

Editing- Error (Grade 8)

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Find out the error and provide the correct word for it.                                                             […]

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