Tag: grammar

Verbs Worksheets

Verbs-8 (Intermediate)

Fill in the blank with appropriate verbs (is/am/are/has/have/was/were) He and his brother _________ in the same school. Either I or my friend _________ responsible for this chaos. No nook or corner _________ left unexplored at the museum yesterday. Neither food nor water ________ available at the museum when we visited last week. You and I […]

Articles Worksheets

Articles (Grade 6)

Fill in the blanks with suitable articles: Delhi is _____ capital of India. I met him at _______ oldest church of ______ town. There is _____ river flowing behind _____ red house. She has given _____ topic for paragraph writing. _____ grapes are sweet but expensive. I love _____ fragrance of these flowers. There is […]

process writing Worksheets

Process writing (Intermediate)

Use the information given below and complete the procedure for making pottery: Soften and smoothen clay Give the clay some shape using mould Provide finer details by pressing with your hands Paint your piece Make it strong by baking in furnace First the clay _______(1)_______________ and smoothened. Then it _________(2)_________ shape using a mould. Next, […]

Tenses Worksheets

Tenses-9 (Advance)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs given in the brackets: The princess ______________________ (lock) in a castle and _________________________ (guard) by the dragon before she ________________________ (rescue) by a prince. Not one of you ___________________ (do) his work properly. Each of the girls ________________________ (give) a prize. Science __________ (be) a branch […]

Conditionals Worksheets

Conditional Clauses (Grade 7)

Complete the following statements: If you want to lose weight, ___________________________________________________________________. I will forgive you if ___________________________________________________________. Wake me up if _____________________________________________________________. If the fog gets thicker, ___________________________________________________________. If it rains _____________________________________________. The cat will scratch you if ________________________________________________________. If I were you ____________________________________________________________________. I would have succeeded if ______________________________________________________________________. If she had the permit […]

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