Tag: grammar

Noun Worksheets

Nouns (Grade 5)

Identify the nouns and state their kinds: Her knowledge of medicines is immense. Wild animals suffer when kept in captivity. There is nothing like staying at home for comfort. Umbrella is of no avail against thunderstorm. The brave soldiers of army must be respected for their bravery. There are among others a great economist and […]

Pronouns Worksheets

Pronouns (Grade 4)

Fill in the blanks with suitable personal, possessive and distributive pronouns: I bought this book. This book is __________. Those beggars are idle. __________ refuse to work. What was _________ noise? We scored as many goals as _________. __________ books are torn. Who has done it? The streets of Bangaluru are worse than ____________ of […]

Pronouns Worksheets

Demonstrative Pronouns (Grade 4)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate demonstrative pronoun: See, ___________ are my trousers. ___________ are the plants over there which I planted. Here, ___________ is the entry pass for the concert. Pay attention. _________ is an important announcement. ____________ is the watch kept in that window which I’ll buy when I have enough money. Have […]

Pronouns Worksheets

Possessive Pronouns (Grade 4)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate possessive pronoun: This dress belongs to my sister. It is ___________. I bought the blue bag for my father. This is __________. I will not share my piano with you. It is __________. Is this painting ____________? You have really done a wonderful job. We need to bring change […]

Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Reading Comprehension (Grade 2)-2

Read the following passage: On a cold winter night, a mother dog was feeling helpless as she could not find a shelter for her newly born puppies. If she was not able to find any cozy, warm corner, the puppies would die. So, she went to her friend who lived in a big, wooden kennel. […]

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