Tag: Education

Articles Structure/rule

Using The- 3

Today we will take a look at the last set of rules explaining use of ‘the’. ‘The’ is used before: * certain proper names of seas, rivers, mountain ranges, island groups, deserts and countries. the Himalayas, the Yamuna, the Sahara desert, the Netherlands * names consisting of noun + of + noun the Bay of […]


Using ‘the’-2

Let us today see a few more places where ‘the’ is used: ‘The’ is used before: * superlatives ( third degree of adjectives ) the best day, the happiest moment, the most amazing experience * numbers used as adjectives the first row, the last week, the twelfth man * ‘only’ used as an adjective the […]


Using ‘The’-1

‘The‘, we all know, is an article. But where in a statement it is used is a little difficult, at times, to understand. Let us today make a beginning in understanding the usage of article ‘the’. ‘The’ is used before a noun when it is: * unique the earth; the stars; the galaxy * mentioned […]

Noun Usage


” She’s got beautiful hairs!” ‘Hairs‘!!!! Often used but in the wrong context. When you refer to someone’s hair (all the hair on one’s head) it is referred to in a collective manner, and so is considered uncountable. Hence it always takes the singular form only, just like furniture. ” She’s got beautiful hair!” However, […]

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