Noun Usage


” She’s got beautiful hairs!” ‘Hairs‘!!!! Often used but in the wrong context. When you refer to someone’s hair (all the hair on one’s head) it is referred to in a collective manner, and so is considered uncountable. Hence it always takes the singular form only, just like furniture. ” She’s got beautiful hair!” However, […]


Take on vs Take up

Making use of take on and take up is often baffling. Here’s something that can help you decide next time you use either of the two: ‘Take on‘ is to undertake some work ( Is he ready to take on his new responsibilities ?) or to accept as a challenge ( I’m ready to take […]


Can and May

” Can I come in, ma’am?” Remember?? You must have heard it or said before. Students say it very often but it’s not the correct statement to be used in a classroom setting where a teacher-student relationship is quite formal. ” May I come in, ma’am?” is what should be used if you are seeking […]

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