Category: Pronouns

Pronouns Worksheets

Pronouns (Reflexive)

Reflexive pronouns are used to suggest that the object of the verb is the same person or thing as the subject in the given statement. Reflexive pronouns are: myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, themselves, itself. When the same pronouns are used to emphasize that the subject of the statement is the doer of the […]

Pronouns Worksheets

Pronouns (Grade 5)

Personal pronouns refer to the people or things we talk about in the statement. Personal pronouns are: I, me, we, us, he, him, she, her, they, them, you and it. Fill in the blanks with suitable personal pronouns: Sam’s mother went out. Before leaving, ___________ asked ___________ to clean his room. But when __________ returned, […]

Pronouns Worksheets

Pronouns 1 (Grade 3) – worksheet

Choose the correct pronoun to fill the blank: The girls scored as many goals as _____. (they/them) Wait there for Shreya and _____. (I/me) Nidhi and ____ are old school friends. (I/me) Rohan and ___ will be present for the meeting. (I/me) Nobody will come to help you but ____. (I/me) Nobody but ____ was […]

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