Month: May 2018

Sentences Worksheets

Sentences (Grade 4)

Change the following sentences as directed: I need notes for my project. (negative) The water is so dirty. (exclamatory) Let me borrow some food for my brother. (interrogative) You are not supposed to make noise. (imperative) Won’t it be difficult for you to manage? (affirmative) The class is too noisy. (exclamatory) Do you love your […]

Noun Worksheets

Nouns (Grade 2)

Pick nouns from the following statements and state if they are proper nouns or common nouns: A lark made a nest in the corn-field. Roshan is a farmer. Kiran was taken by the angel to the hall. My arms are dirty. Abdullah hired out his camels to other merchants. A holy man came and began […]

Integrated grammar Worksheets

Parts of speech (Grade 6)

A part is highlighted in each statement. Mention which part of speech the highlighted word/phrase is: A priest called Theodar founded a hospital. This was the first real nursing school in the world. Many of these soldiers were injured in the battles. They should be clever and have strong character. People called her the ‘lady […]

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