Prepositions of time (Beginners)

Prepositions of time (Beginners)

Fill in the blanks with suitable  prepositions. Choose from the given options:

( at, in, on, by, from, before, after, during, since, for, until )

  1. Can we meet ____ Sunday?
  2. You can’t leave _____ you submit your project.
  3. She has been playing _____ three o’clock ____ the afternoon.
  4. We will visit granny’s house ______ the summer vacation.
  5. He has been ill ____ a couple of months now.
  6. Please submit your paper ____ next Monday.
  7. Mary got popcorn _____ the interval.
  8. Sahil has been living abroad _____ he was a child.
  9. It has been raining _____ the past four hours.
  10. He acted as the chairman of the board _____ 2000 ____ 2010.
  11. Nobody has lived in this house _____ 2008.
  12. I often fall asleep _____ a movie.
  13. I will reach ____ the program starts.
  14. I will complete my schooling ____ 2020.
  15. They are coming back ___ the weekend.


Click here to download worksheet: Prepositions of time(beginners)



  1. on
  2. until
  3. since, in
  4. during
  5. for
  6. by
  7. during
  8. since
  9. for
  10. from, to
  11. since
  12. during
  13. before
  14. by
  15. at

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