” Can I come in, ma’am?” Remember?? You must have heard it or said before. Students say it very often but it’s not the correct statement to be used in a classroom setting where a teacher-student relationship is quite formal. ” May I come in, ma’am?” is what should be used if you are seeking […]
Give & Take
” I’m going to give my exam.” Very often you use it, don’t you?? But you always ” take exam ” To take means to receive, and you receive your examination from your teacher, who gives it. So next time you go to take your exam, remember it!!
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Use of Past Tense
Which ones of the following do you think are correct? * I didn’t said that. * Why didn’t you called me? * Did you got my mail? * You didn’t taught him a lesson. You should have. * I didn’t gave him anything. These are common utterances you often get to hear around yourself; you […]
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