Stationery vs Stationary

Stationery vs Stationary

Stationery and Stationary are the words often used at the wrong place in the wrong context, owing to the spelling error. One really needs to be careful as the two words mean quite different.

Stationary refers to something which is at rest; not moving.
The sun stands stationary at the center of our solar system.
The bus is standing stationary at the depot.
The market price remained stationary for a week.

Stationery refers to the collection of writing/drawing tools like pens, pencils, notebooks etc.
Bring all the related stationery for your Maths exam tomorrow.

Just be careful when you use these words next time.

2 thoughts on “Stationery vs Stationary

    1. Thank you so much bhapaji!! It’s an honor to receive appreciation from you!! Hope your blessings always remain with me!! Thanks again!!

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