Tag: verb


Verbs and more-2

Another set of phrases today having combination of single verb with different prepositions. Call at means to call at some place I called at my friend’s place to confirm the news of board result. Call for means require or demand The labour is calling for a strike tomorrow. The situation calls for an emergency action. […]


Hardly fast???

Adverbs are the words which are used to describe an action (verb) like playing well, behave nicely, rightly punished and so on. Some adverbs are incorrectly used by many: They worked hardly for this presentation. The car went fastly. Here both the adverbs ( hardly and fastly ) are incorrect. Fastly is no word at […]


Verbs and more

Blow is a verb which in simple terms refer to a current of air or movement caused by it. A cool breeze was blowing in the morning. Now let us add different prepositions to this verb and see how it takes different meanings: Blow out means to extinguish a flame by blowing. He blew out […]

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