Separate suffixes/prefixes in the following words: beside income lawyer freedom semicircle duckling forward homonym maiden portray parasite boyhood active extract tomorrow earthen diameter lick here to download and print: Suffixes and Prefixes (Grade 5) Answers: be-side in-come law-yer free-dom semi-circle duck-ling for-ward homo-nym maid-en por-tray para-site boy-hood act-ive ex-tract to-morrow earth-en dia-meter
Suffix (Intermediate)
Add suitable suffixes to make new words: (-ly, -fully, -ish, -ful, -able, -ment, -y, -age, -ance, -ure, -ous, -al, -ness) Use each suffix only once vary day deploy boy melody lonely duty please survive store awe grieve noise Click here to download and print: Suffixes (Intermediate) Answers: variable daily deployment boyish melodious loneliness dutiful […]
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