Tag: plural


Plurals- compound words

Compound nouns are made of two nouns put together like girl-friend, travel agent and so on. When we make plural of such words we add ‘s’ or ‘es’ in the end: Girl friends, travel agents, house wives… However, when first noun is ‘man’ or ‘woman’ then these nouns are also made plural: women drivers, men […]



Let us today talk about those plural forms which are again made plural by many by adding ‘s’ to them i.e. double pluralisation. * Your feets are so dirty. * These childrens are making a lot of noise. * I just saw three mices there! * Give me all the informations that you have. * […]



Observe the following statements: * Your e- mail do not have the clear information. * She seem to have got bad mood today. * She and her husband has taken the right decision. Found anything wrong with the statements? If not then here it is: The subject-verb agreement is not there in these statements, so […]

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