Tag: Phrase


Verbs and more-23

We are continuing with the verb ‘take‘ in different phrases. take on means to undertake work She is all set to take on this new project. take on also means to engage persons as staff The company is taking on many new workers for its new site. take on also means to accept as an […]


.. Cost an arm and a leg

The restaurant offers very delicious food and it doesn’t even cost an arm and a leg. This bungalow will cost us an arm and a leg; we should better start saving much more than we do. Cost an arm and a leg means a lot of money or something extremely expensive. The phrase doesn’t have […]


Already vs All Ready

Already and All Ready are quite indistinguishable in speech. However, the two words have distinct meaning and uses when it comes to writing. Already is an adverb which means previously or prior to some specified time. When we reached station, we found that the train had already left. When I came, the show had already […]

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