Tag: neither-nor

Verbs Worksheets

Subject-verb agreement (Grade 6)

Fill in the blanks with the correct option: A traffic policeman __________ (stand/stands) at the cross roads and ______________ (manage/manages) the traffic. One of my friends ________ (is/are) working with this company. Mathematics ________ (is/are) not a difficult subject. The captain as well as the crew members ___________ (has/have) gone sailing. Bread and butter ________ […]

Conjunctions Worksheets

Conjunctions (Grade 4)

Fill in the blanks using suitable conjunctions: I ran fast __________ I missed the train. ______ you eat too much, you will fall ill. I do this work ___________ I want to. Is this story true _______ false? He remained at home ____________ he was not well. Bread ________ milk is a wholesome food. It […]

Conjunctions Worksheets

Conjunctions (Beginners)-3

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions: You ________ your sister have been called by the Principal. I am tired ________ I need to rest before I start the next project. We can ___________ celebrate at the hotel _________ at a resort. She is a bit rude _________ is quite sensible. I love to have […]

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