Identify the kinds of sentences: (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Exclamatory, Imperative) Why did you break the vase? The flight from London arrived on time. How cold it is! Park your bicycle in the backyard. The mountain peaks are covered with snow. Don’t talk. Oh! I am so sorry. Where did you keep my books? I don’t […]
Sentences (Grade 4)
Change the following sentences as directed: I need notes for my project. (negative) The water is so dirty. (exclamatory) Let me borrow some food for my brother. (interrogative) You are not supposed to make noise. (imperative) Won’t it be difficult for you to manage? (affirmative) The class is too noisy. (exclamatory) Do you love your […]
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Sentences (Grade 4)
Identify the kind each of the following sentence is: Oh! I’m really sorry. Shall I take you to the park? I cannot drive a car. Please pass me the rice bowl. He visited the bird sanctuary last week. What a wonderful sight it is! Stand in a queue. Laughter is the best medicine. She could […]
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Sentences (Grade 6)
Change the following sentences as directed: Our guards keep watch all night. (negative) They will come tomorrow. (interrogative) Virat runs very fast. (exclamatory) Kiran is returning next week. (interrogative) Does Priya play basketball every morning? (affirmative) It was such a horrible movie. (exclamatory) Will you shut the windows? (imperative) The beach will be crowded. (negative) […]
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Sentences (Grade 7)
Change the following sentences as directed: Three fishers went sailing over the sea. (negative) The pigeons fly swiftly. (interrogative) Nothing can live on the moon. (affirmative) You needn’t be scared of the puppy. (imperative) It was an interesting presentation. (exclamatory) He seems to have acted with great responsibility. (negative) Could you give me a piece […]
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