Tag: Interrogative


The Simple Past

The simple past tense is used to talk about actions completed in the past at a given point of time which has now ended, or a period of time now terminated. e.g. We met at a restaurant yesterday.        He worked in that hotel for two years. ( does not work there now) […]

Tenses Verbs

The Present Continuous

The present continuous talks about actions happening at present. It is formed with the present form of auxiliary verb be + the present participle form of the main verb. Affirmative                    Negative I am searching            I am not searching You are dancing […]

Tenses Verbs

Simple present tense

The simple present tense simply talks about present. In affirmative, the simple present tense has the same form as the infinitive form of verb but adds an s for the third person singular subject. Affirmative                 Negative I talk                     […]

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