Tag: grammar


Idioms-2 (Intermediate)

Choose an idiom from the options that match each of the following statements: (miss the boat,  a piece of cake,  whole nine yards,  last straw,  steal someone’s thunder,  it takes two to tango,  hear something straight from the horse’s mouth,  keep things at bay,  let the cat out of the bag,  picture paints a thousand […]

Verbs Worksheets

Verbs-4 (Grade 5/6)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb: Time _____ a great power to heal. (has/have) Men at the new site _____ working really fast. (is/are) The mice ______ to nibble cheese. (love/loves) What _____ a bear eat? (do/does) Either she or her friend _____ to be blamed for this failure. (is/are) None of the […]


Idioms (Intermediate)

An idiom is a group of words which has a definite meaning that may be different from the meaning of individual words in the expression. e.g. Actions speak louder than words- It doesn’t mean that actions speak. It means that one can judge a person’s intentions better by his actions than what he says. Now, […]

Prepositions Worksheets

Prepositions of place/position (beginners)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: Riya is sitting _____ the couch. Distribute the candies ______ the children. Birds are flying ______ the terrace. The chimpanzee is sitting ____ the highest branch of the tree. Put your books ____ your bag. I am sitting ______ my best friend. The fan is right _____ my […]

Prepositions Worksheets

Prepositions of place/position (Grade 2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:   The boy climbed ____ the tree to see the nest. (up/down/in) She kept her gifts _____ the cupboard. (by/in/at) The birds are sitting _____ the banyan tree. (in/above/on) The bicycle is parked _____ the front gate. (near/under/below) The card was lying hidden _____ the pile of […]

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