Tag: grammar

Adjectives Worksheets

Describing words (Adjectives-Grade 1)

Fill in the blanks with a suitable describing word. Choose from the options given in the brackets:   It is a ____________ summer day. (cold/hot) My dog wants to play with the _____________ ball. (big/tall) The tree is so __________ that it seems to be touching the sky. (tall/small) There are ______________ clouds in the […]

Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Passage for comprehension (level 3)

Passage for Comprehension (Level 3)   Read the following Passage: King Aditya was a very wise and fair king. People trusted him and had faith in his wisdom and justice. They accepted his judgement without any question or complaint. Once a case came to his court. There were two women named Ashiya and Ariya. They […]

Tenses Worksheets

Tenses-6 (Beginners)

Choose the correct option to fill the blanks: The train _____________________ through a tunnel while I was looking out of the window. (pass/passes/passed) He ____________________ over me as I bent down to pick my pen. (was jumping/jumps/jumped) Snow covered mountain peaks in Shimla _______________ beautiful in winters. (look/looks/are looking) My friends and I ______________________ for […]

Pictures Verbs

Verbs and more- Hand

Tenses Worksheets

Tenses-5 (Beginners)

Change the tenses of the verbs in the following statements as per the direction: We watched a movie last Sunday. (past continuous) The children are enacting a play. (simple future) World’s finest tea grow in Darjeeling. (simple past) Pooja studies in class IV. (present continuous) Sushi is wearing a dress by an Indian designer. (simple […]

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