Tag: grammar

Articles Worksheets

Articles (Grade 6)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles: __________ rose is _________ prettiest of all flowers. Not _______ word was spoken by him at _______ meeting. I was __________ first person to reach for __________ workshop. Last evening, _________ beggar came to my door. I will return after _________ hour. Do you see _________ blue sky? […]

Prepositions Worksheets

Prepositions (Grade 7)

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: They have eaten nothing ______________ Monday. I slept ___________ eleven o’clock yesterday. We jumped ____________ the river to find some pearls. She lived _________ Pune ________ five years. Mother will return ___________ an hour. I killed two birds __________ one shot. He was stabbed ________ a thief _________ […]

Editing Worksheets

Integrated Grammar- Omission (Intermediate)-4

The following passage has not been edited. There is one word missing in each of the lines. Provide the correct word for each omission:   Before          Omitted word           After Anubhav was celebrating his birthday. He had number                   (1)_________    […]

Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Reading comprehension (Grade 6)

Read the following passage: Born to parents, owning a small estate in Nottinghamshire in England, Capt. Lemuel Gulliver had a sincere longing for making long voyages to distant lands. Initially, he got the job of a surgeon on a ship called Swallow and was able to go on short voyages. Later, he served on two […]

Conjunctions Worksheets

Conjunctions (Beginners)-3

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions: You ________ your sister have been called by the Principal. I am tired ________ I need to rest before I start the next project. We can ___________ celebrate at the hotel _________ at a resort. She is a bit rude _________ is quite sensible. I love to have […]

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