Tag: English language


Using ‘The’-1

‘The‘, we all know, is an article. But where in a statement it is used is a little difficult, at times, to understand. Let us today make a beginning in understanding the usage of article ‘the’. ‘The’ is used before a noun when it is: * unique the earth; the stars; the galaxy * mentioned […]


So many People!!

English language is so varied that it sometimes leaves you wondering how can one remember so much! That’s true, but this is why you have Everyday Cup of English. The word ‘people‘ is such a plain simple word. But see how it takes different names at different places: At a match or tournament you call […]

Noun Usage


” She’s got beautiful hairs!” ‘Hairs‘!!!! Often used but in the wrong context. When you refer to someone’s hair (all the hair on one’s head) it is referred to in a collective manner, and so is considered uncountable. Hence it always takes the singular form only, just like furniture. ” She’s got beautiful hair!” However, […]

First Blog

My First Blog

Hi FriendsĀ  This is my first attempt at blogging. I’m not sure whether I would be able to mark any impression or help anybody through the little knowledge of English language that I possess and that I would be sharing here in my blogs, but I definitely have this strong feeling of sharing my knowledge. […]

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