Tag: English grammar


Class 10 – English Grammar Practice Worksheet – Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of the Class 10 Grammar Practice Worksheet. Test your skills with the following exercises designed to help you master essential grammar concepts. A. Fill in the blanks Shriya met Nanu after summer vacation and asked (a) ______ holiday in Paris. He replied that he enjoyed it a little because it (b) […]


Class 10 – English Grammar Practice Worksheet Part 1

Welcome to the Class 10 Grammar Practice-1! Test your knowledge and brush up on key concepts with the following exercises. 1. Modal Verbs Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: I ______ talk to you immediately. 2. Reported Speech Read the conversation and complete the passage that follows: Rahul: Could you lend me some […]

Usage Vocabulary

Enrich Your Vocabulary- Moonlighting

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