Use punctuation marks at appropriate places (capital letter, full stop, comma, question mark and apostrophe) the mans shoes are in the cupboard _________________________________________________________________________ how old is she _________________________________________________________________________ i took shauryas pencil _________________________________________________________________________ dont take my eraser _________________________________________________________________________ when will he come back _________________________________________________________________________ there are apples bananas and oranges in the basket _________________________________________________________________________ we […]
Punctuation (Grade 5)
Put appropriate punctuation marks at proper places: a cunning fox stole johns bag have you ever seen an owl where are sunnys books we went to sri lanka for a vacation mihika sehgal is the head girl of lancer convent school the golden temple is in amritsar how could you leave your sister alone at […]
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Punctuation (Grade 4)
Put appropriate punctuation marks wherever required: my mother got some chocolates candies and juices for us how rude rohit was shall i call you later in the evening ouch i got badly hurt we need mr. roys permission for this project the president has a special meeting at the red fort can you take me […]
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