Category: Infographics


College Student Statistics

Find college student statistics from Citizens Bank. They have rounded up some interesting statistics on college students that help paint a picture of what the average incoming freshman is like. Read more and find out what the college freshmen have in common. Filed at in Education Infographics


No Boy Left Behind

Boys and girls have always fought for superiority. However, it seems that the scales may be tipped from a very early age. Here’s an infographic entitled “No Boy Left Behind”, detailing how our education system is failing our young men, and what we can do about it. It’s very apparent that our education system is […]


Is Bigger Better?

A MOOC, or a massive open online course, is a higher education course available to anyone, anywhere, that wants to take it. While some believe these courses are a step in the right direction, statistics show that we still have a gap to bridge when it comes to ensuring success. has created an infographic […]

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