Day: February 18, 2019

Verbs Worksheets

Verbs (Grade 1)

Underline verbs (action words) in the following sentences: Butterflies live all over the world. An egg grows into a larva. Tom plays basketball every morning. Neeru likes different seasons. Flowers bloom in spring. The leaves turn yellow in autumn. It snows in winters. She finds it exciting to play in the snow. We wear gloves […]

Punctuation Worksheets

Punctuation (Grade 2)

Use punctuation marks at appropriate places (capital letter, full stop, comma, question mark and apostrophe) the mans shoes are in the cupboard _________________________________________________________________________ how old is she _________________________________________________________________________ i took shauryas pencil _________________________________________________________________________ dont take my eraser _________________________________________________________________________ when will he come back _________________________________________________________________________ there are apples bananas and oranges in the basket _________________________________________________________________________ we […]

Conjunctions Worksheets

Conjunctions (Grade 7)

Join the following statements using appropriate conjunctions: There is no electricity. We can’t watch television. Do you want chocolates? Do you want candies? It is cloudy. It is warm. The cab drivers are on strike today. Their demands have not been fulfilled by the government. Rehan is poor. He is not greedy. I do not […]

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