Suffixes and Prefixes (Grade 5)

Suffixes and Prefixes (Grade 5)

Separate suffixes/prefixes in the following words:

  1. beside
  2. income
  3. lawyer
  4. freedom
  5. semicircle
  6. duckling
  7. forward
  8. homonym
  9. maiden
  10. portray
  11. parasite
  12. boyhood
  13. active
  14. extract
  15. tomorrow
  16. earthen
  17. diameter


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  1. be-side
  2. in-come
  3. law-yer
  4. free-dom
  5. semi-circle
  6. duck-ling
  7. for-ward
  8. homo-nym
  9. maid-en
  10. por-tray
  11. para-site
  12. boy-hood
  13. act-ive
  14. ex-tract
  15. to-morrow
  16. earth-en
  17. dia-meter

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