Similes and Metaphors (Intermediate)

Similes and Metaphors (Intermediate)

Identify and underline the comparison made and state whether the comparison is a simile or a metaphor:

  1. The stars are the blessed candles of the night.
  2. The castle was as dark as a dungeon.
  3. She is always curious like a fish.
  4. Sam is an irritable old bear.
  5. You must try different activities. Variety is the spice of life.
  6. Wipe the glass well so that it looks clear as a crystal.
  7. Camels have very rare features. They can travel for days without food and water. They are the ship of the desert.
  8. You must stay motionless as a corpse. The audience notices everything.
  9. He was the lion of the arena. No one fought so bravely.
  10. Kings are like stars.. they rise and set…


Click here to download and print: Similes and Metaphors (Intermediate)



  1. stars-blessed candles of the night–metaphor
  2. castle-as dark as a dungeon–simile
  3. she-curious like a fish–simile
  4. Sam-irritable old bear–metaphor
  5. variety-spice of life–metaphor
  6. glass-clear as a crystal–simile
  7. camels-ship of the desert–metaphor
  8. you-motionless as a corpse–simile
  9. he-lion of the arena–metaphor
  10. kings-like stars–simile

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