The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the incorrect word and provide its correct replacement: Incorrect word Correct word When an war broke out in Crimea, many British […]
Indirect speech (Grade 7)-2
Change the following sentences to Indirect speech: He said, “I have lost my umbrella.” Paul says, “I’m trying to get a taxi.” Shaun says, “I’ll never get married.” My mother said, “I’ve been waiting for ages.” They said, “We will be in Australia on Monday.” He said, “We were thinking of selling the house but […]
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Transitive and Intransitive verbs (Intermediate)
Pick out the verbs in the following sentences and write whether they are transitive or intransitive: The cow is grazing grass in the field. I looked across the street. She wants a new school bag. He hit me with a stone. The baby is sleeping. Let us solve this puzzle. The train reached on time. […]
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