Tenses-8 (Beginners)

Tenses-8 (Beginners)

Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in brackets (simple present, past and future, present continuous and past continuous)

  1. I _____________________ (search) for my project file. I _____________________ (not remember) where I ______________ (leave) it yesterday. I must find it. My teacher ____________________ (want) all the students to submit their project files by tomorrow.
  2. I have to write an essay. I _________________ (try) to pick a topic which is interesting as well as relevant to our age group. I ______________ (wish) to give my best so that the teacher _______________ (select) my essay for the school magazine.
  3. There is Sports Day in our school next week. Our class ________________________ (participate) in the races. We all ________________________ (practise) daily. We ___________________ (try) to win the maximum number of races.
  4. Please don’t buy ice cream for me. I _____________________ (not like) to eat ice cream. Once I _______________ (eat) one and after that I ___________ (fall) sick.
  5. Once there __________ (be) thousands of rats in a city. They _____________ (live) in homes, shops and fields. They ________________ (destroy) the crops, the furniture and clothes. People ______________ (want) to get rid of them at any cost.
  6. CRY is an organisation that ______________ (support) and _______________ (care) for children who ___________(live) on streets. Seven ordinary individuals _____________ (start) this organisation in 1979 and today many people _____________ (help) CRY by sparing their time, talent and money.
  7. Anuj ___________________ (celebrate) his birthday with his friends last night when his father _____________ (give) him a surprise and ________________ (gift) him a new bike.
  8. The sailors ______________________ (sail) through the icy waters of the frozen sea when they ________________ (see) a big sea-bird called Albatross. The bird _____________________ (sit) on the deck and looking in their eyes as if it __________________ (try) to give them a message.
  9. Nature has a very soothing effect on us. It _____________ (calm) our mind and _____________ (settle) our emotions. The sounds of nature _____________ (create) a symphony which _____________ (heal) our body and soul.
  10. My brother has made a paper plane which ____________ (fly) in air when thrown high. He ____________ (wish) to show it to his friends too. So, he _______________ (take) that plane to school tomorrow.


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  1. am searching, do not remember, left, wants
  2. am trying, wish, selects
  3. is participating/will participate, are practising, will try
  4. don’t like, ate, fell
  5. were, lived, destroyed, wanted
  6. supports, cares, live, started, help
  7. was celebrating, gave, gifted
  8. were sailing, saw, was sitting, was trying
  9. calms, settles, create, heals
  10. flies, wishes, will take

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