Day: February 5, 2018

Adjectives Worksheets

Worksheet-4 Adjectives-Degrees of Comparison (Intermediate)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of adjectives given in brackets: You think you are ____________ than your father. (wise) She is one of the _____________ children in this class. (wise) Her painting is ______________ than yours. (pretty) I find this book __________________ than the other one. (interesting) You need to be ___________________ with […]

Conjunctions Worksheets

Worksheet-2 Conjunctions (Intermediate)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions: I will not succeed _______________ I work harder. They arrived ____________ I had left the house. She ran away ______________ she was scared. They waited for me ___________ I reached. Do not leave ___________ I come. You will be appreciated _____________ you present well. Walk quickly __________ we […]

Adverb Worksheets

Worksheet-7 Adverbs (Grade 7)

Insert the given adverbs at appropriate places. Also state the type of adverb: The book is interesting. (very) The teacher spoke loud to be heard. (enough) I have seen a tiger. (never) The ship is moving. (slowly) They are getting married. (next week) Hang this lovely painting. (there) My father is free on Sundays. (usually) […]

Adverb Worksheets

Worksheet-6 Adverbs (Beginners)

Identify the adverbs in the following sentences and state their kinds: He was killed in an explosion shortly after sending the message. His soldiers fought bravely till the end. She beautifully paints fruits and flowers. People often mistake them for real fruits and flowers. We treated them well with good food. They are moving to […]

Tenses Worksheets

Tenses-8 (Beginners)

Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in brackets (simple present, past and future, present continuous and past continuous) I _____________________ (search) for my project file. I _____________________ (not remember) where I ______________ (leave) it yesterday. I must find it. My teacher ____________________ (want) all the students to submit their project files […]

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