Adjectives (Grade 3)

Adjectives (Grade 3)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives. Choose from the options given:

  1. The __________________ fox jumped around the _______________ garden in search of grapes. (few, blue, brown, big)
  2. Sanah always wears _______________ and __________________ clothes and looks great. (torn, nice, less, clean)
  3. The dog has __________________ __________________ spots on its body. (small, sweet, dirty, red)
  4. The box is full of ________________ chocolates and __________________ toys. (wet, milk, wooden, smart)
  5. The ________________ rabbit has _________________ teeth. (tall, bushy, sharp, white)
  6. My mother bought ___________________ and ______________________ mangoes from the market. (juicy, sweet, shiny, hot)
  7. The sunflowers look ______________________ and _______________________ in the field. (bushy, bright, dull, beautiful)
  8. We all love to eat __________________ and ____________________ pizza. (cold, sandy, hot, cheese)
  9. I found a _______________ stone lying on the ___________________ grass in the park. (delicious, shiny, five, green)
  10. Neha is looking for her _______________ ________________________ dress to wear for the party. (new, old, black, some)
  11. We always take __________________ and ________________________ meal at night. (light, heavy, striped, healthy)
  12. This ________________ pair of shoes is ___________________ for me now. (small, difficult, old, funny)


Click here to download worksheet: Adjectives-2 (Beginners)



  1. brown, big
  2. nice, clean
  3. small, red
  4. milk, wooden
  5. white, sharp
  6. sweet, juicy
  7. bright, beautiful
  8. hot, cheesy
  9. shiny, green
  10. new, black
  11. light, healthy
  12. old, small

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