Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives. Choose from the options given:
- The __________________ fox jumped around the _______________ garden in search of grapes. (few, blue, brown, big)
- Sanah always wears _______________ and __________________ clothes and looks great. (torn, nice, less, clean)
- The dog has __________________ __________________ spots on its body. (small, sweet, dirty, red)
- The box is full of ________________ chocolates and __________________ toys. (wet, milk, wooden, smart)
- The ________________ rabbit has _________________ teeth. (tall, bushy, sharp, white)
- My mother bought ___________________ and ______________________ mangoes from the market. (juicy, sweet, shiny, hot)
- The sunflowers look ______________________ and _______________________ in the field. (bushy, bright, dull, beautiful)
- We all love to eat __________________ and ____________________ pizza. (cold, sandy, hot, cheese)
- I found a _______________ stone lying on the ___________________ grass in the park. (delicious, shiny, five, green)
- Neha is looking for her _______________ ________________________ dress to wear for the party. (new, old, black, some)
- We always take __________________ and ________________________ meal at night. (light, heavy, striped, healthy)
- This ________________ pair of shoes is ___________________ for me now. (small, difficult, old, funny)
Click here to download worksheet: Adjectives-2 (Beginners)
- brown, big
- nice, clean
- small, red
- milk, wooden
- white, sharp
- sweet, juicy
- bright, beautiful
- hot, cheesy
- shiny, green
- new, black
- light, healthy
- old, small