Integrated Grammar Practice (Intermediate)

Integrated Grammar Practice (Intermediate)

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the blanks:


Incorrect word            Correct word

King Francis was a great lover for all kinds                         e.g.  ___for_________             _____of________

of sports. One day, he and his courtiers                                  a)_______________             ________________

sit watching wild lions fighting                                                b)_______________             ________________

every other in the arena. Among the                                       c)_______________             ________________

courtier sat Count de Lorge                                                     d)_______________             ________________

besides a beautiful lady of noble birth,                                    e)_______________             _______________

whom she loved and                                                                f)________________             _______________

hope to marry. The lions                                                          g)________________            ________________

roar and tore each other with fury.                                          h)________________             ________________


Click here to download worksheet: Integrated grammar-1 (Intermediate)



a) sports——sport

b) sit——-sat

c) every——each

d) courtier——-courtiers

e) besides——–beside

f) she——he

g) hope——hoped

h) roar——-roared




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