Prepositions of time

Prepositions of time

Let us here discuss a few prepositions that denote time


  1. At– It is used to donate specific/non-specific time of action

e.g. The program ended at 11 p.m.

          We received the news at night.

  1. On– It is used with dates and days

e.g. There is a parent-teacher meeting on Saturday.

          She was born on the 10th of July.

  1. In– It is used to indicate a period of time, season or a month

e.g. There will be a football tournament in December.

          The prize distribution ceremony will start in fifteen minutes.

           All trees get new leaves and flowers in the spring season.

  1. By– It is used to indicate a time limit set for an action

e.g. You must finish your task by tomorrow.

           The shop will close by 8 p.m.

  1. For– It is used to indicate the period of time for which an action has been happening

e.g. I have been waiting for my friend for two hours.

           The cookies have to be baked in the oven for half an hour.

  1. Since– It is used to indicate the time at which the action began

e.g. He has been sleeping since morning.

           They have been working on this project since Monday.


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