Here are a few more rules to follow under Subject-verb agreement:
- When the subject is preceded by each and every, the following verb is usually singular.
For example: Every man is entitled to certain fundamental rights.
Each of the candidates was asked to bring the related documents.
- When two or more subjects are connected using either-or/neither-nor, the verb must be in agreement with the nearest subject.
For example: Neither the orchestra nor the singers were able to reach the venue on time.
Either she or I am going to Singapore for this project.
- With somebody, nobody and none, only singular verb is used.
For example: Nobody has returned the books.
None was able to cross that bridge.
- Words like trousers and scissors, in which two components are always taken together, take singular verbs.
For example: My new pair of trousers is blue.
This pair of spectacles belongs to him.