Enhance your vocabulary-3

Enhance your vocabulary-3

There are different ways of making antonyms or opposites for words.

  • We can add a prefix like in-, im-, dis-, mis-, il-, ir-, un-. e.g. mobile-immobile, regular-irregular
  • Sometimes the prefix is changed e.g. export- import, increase-decrease.
  • With some adjectives, the suffix is changed e.g. fearful- fearless.

However, in many cases we have an entirely different word as the antonym.


Now, try to make antonyms from the following words by adding prefix or changing the prefix/suffix.


  1. cheerful
  2. material
  3. trust
  4. encourage
  5. ascent
  6. inhale
  7. essential
  8. reputable
  9. overstatement
  10. outlet
  11. enrobe
  12. substantial
  13. legible
  14. fortune
  15. introvert
  16. distinct
  17. modest
  18. integrate
  19. congenial
  20. service






  1. cheerless
  2. immaterial
  3. mistrust
  4. discourage
  5. descent
  6. exhale
  7. inessential
  8. disreputable
  9. understatement
  10. inlet
  11. disrobe
  12. unsubstantial
  13. illegible
  14. misfortune
  15. extrovert
  16. indistinct
  17. immodest
  18. disintegrate
  19. uncongenial
  20. disservice

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