A word that describes a noun in terms of shape, color, size, material or quality is called an adjective. The main kinds of adjectives are as follows: * Demonstrative– this, that, these, those eg. This is my watch. I like those toys. * Distributive– either, neither, each, every eg. I’ve read neither […]
Plural of a noun is generally formed by adding s/es to the singular form of noun. eg. ball-balls, place-places, bed-beds words ending in o/ch/sh/ss/x take es bench-benches, potato-potatoes, fox-foxes * nouns ending in y are made plurals by dropping y and adding ies eg. lady-ladies, fairy-fairies However, if y follows a vowel in the noun, […]
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There are four kinds of noun: Common noun: A name of any thing or person or place which is common to many e.g. table, cat, girl Proper noun: A name of any person or place which is specific to one e.g. China, John, Paris Abstract noun: A name which defines an emotion or state or situation e.g. fear, […]
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