Year: 2016

Tenses Verbs

Simple present tense

The simple present tense simply talks about present. In affirmative, the simple present tense has the same form as the infinitive form of verb but adds an s for the third person singular subject. Affirmative                 Negative I talk                     […]


Verbs- an introduction

Verbs or the action words fall in two categories: * Auxiliary verbs– be(is/am/are), have, do, can, could, may, might, will, shall, should, would, ought, need, dare. * Main verbs– play, work, jump, sing, dance, go, come and so on. Let us see the verb ‘play’ in various tenses: Present Simple– she plays Continuous– she is playing […]

Adverb Structure/rule


Adverbs are the words which add to the verbs i.e. they give more information about the action in terms of how it happened, where it happened, when it happened and so on.There are different kinds of adverbs: * Adverb of manner– describes how the action took place e.g. happily, beautifully, quickly etc note: some words […]

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