Month: June 2016

Adverb Structure/rule


Adverbs are the words which add to the verbs i.e. they give more information about the action in terms of how it happened, where it happened, when it happened and so on.There are different kinds of adverbs: * Adverb of manner– describes how the action took place e.g. happily, beautifully, quickly etc note: some words […]


Adjectives – List of adjectives in three forms of comparison

Click here to download list: List of Adjectives   List 1 POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE angry angrier angriest big bigger biggest bold bolder boldest brave braver bravest bright brighter brightest broad broader broadest busy busier busiest calm calmer calmest clever cleverer cleverest cold colder coldest cool cooler coolest close closer closest dark darker darkest dear dearer dearest […]


Adjectives – Making comparisons

There can be various ways of constructing statements to compare two or more people or things. * In an affirmative statement we use as+ adjective(positive form)+ as. In a negative statement we use not as/not so+ adjective(positive form)+ as. eg. She is as tall as her mother.        He is not as intelligent […]

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