Year: 2014


Already vs All Ready

Already and All Ready are quite indistinguishable in speech. However, the two words have distinct meaning and uses when it comes to writing. Already is an adverb which means previously or prior to some specified time. When we reached station, we found that the train had already left. When I came, the show had already […]


Verbs and more-20

Set out is a phrase which has varied meanings when used in different contexts. To set out means to begin a journey They set out for home quite early this morning. set out also means to begin an undertaking or an attempt He has set out to prove his innocence. set out also means to […]


Artist vs Artiste vs Artisan

We will check out three words today; Artist, Artiste, Artisan I’m sure you all know the word ‘artist’ very well. But do you equally know the other two words? An Artist refers to a person who produces works in any of the arts subject to aesthetic criteria. He could be a person practicing fine arts […]

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