Month: September 2014


Verbs and more-21

To stand as we all know is to be in an upright position on one’s feet. Let us check this verb out in different phrases. stand by means to support someone No matter what happens, I will always stand by you. stand by also means to adhere to a promise or an agreement He stood […]


From the News

We are picking up two words for our today’s discussion from the following headline. Narendra Modi Taps Indian Diaspora in U.S. Prime Minister Greeted by Boisterous Crowds in New York – The Wall Street Journal Diaspora and Boisterous Diaspora is a word of greek origin which basically referred to the scattering of Jews to countries […]


Already vs All Ready

Already and All Ready are quite indistinguishable in speech. However, the two words have distinct meaning and uses when it comes to writing. Already is an adverb which means previously or prior to some specified time. When we reached station, we found that the train had already left. When I came, the show had already […]

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