Month: February 2014

Word for you

Word for you – Toothsome

tasty, delicious, yummy, toothsome Toothsome adjective 1. The word toothsome refers to a food which appears tempting and tasty. She served a toothsome fried chicken to her guests. 2. The word toothsome is also used to refer to someone who looks sexually attractive. The boys enjoyed watching a toothsome blonde dressed in a beautiful saree.


I Need a Degree for That?!

Finding a job in today’s economy may seem like a challenge, but if you lack a degree, it may be impossible. More frequently than ever, jobs are requiring a degree. “I Need a Degree for that?” which uncovers jobs you never knew would require a degree, and details the salary and the cost of the […]


Google Apps and Education

The growth of Goggle Apps in schools has really been staggering, and is quickly gaining traction because connectivity is an essential part of everyday learning. There is no denying from the fact that Google is the productivity suite of choice in Education. The modern-day Education system is here – kindergartners now use their chrome laptops […]

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