Month: February 2014


Worldwide Education Statistics

Education percentage has been grown in recent years, so here are the statistics of global percentage of education region wise. Below Picture highlights graduation rates in colleges, total number of graduates in colleges and college enrollment worldwide.  


Online Education Facts

With the rising speed of internet reach, online education practices now been speeding up. With the simplicity of learning from home and interactive class, online education is becoming very beneficial for students. Below infographic tells about types and statistics of online education, estimated growth, online Vs offline education excellence as well as some other strange […]


Students’ Priorities in Colleges

  College has become the fun and enjoyment destination for current youth. Education is beyond their thinking while what comfortable facilities the college offers is their first priority. Here is an infographics that guides you on priority keywords which the youth is searching for in colleges. The poster also highlights that partying and eating delicious […]

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